
Tuesday 3 March 2015

River talk

Walt: write a detailed introduction with hook and orientation.

Start your writing here:

My class room 8 & 7 & 6 went to Omaru Creek as well as tamaki college and another primary school too. And when we got there a man was coming on the foot path with chains on him and he was scary and he also had a black rubbish bag on him and toilet paper rolls on his hair. We went there because the creek was really dirty inside it. Then we meet someone that came out of the whole and it was a man not a lady and his name was Tamati. Then Tamati showed us around the Omuru Creek we even got to see the glass egle and glass people in the creek. There were some wind chimes too and we listened to it and we could hear the sound of the wind chimes. Then we went to watch a lady do a dance and it was awesome then we saw some art and cook island drums.

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