
Thursday, 26 March 2015

Hokule'a and Hikianalia Powhiri

In the morning we started school at 8:40 because we had to go to pt england beach. But first we had to go to the hall first then we went to the pt england beach. When we got to the beach we sat on the grass there were other kids from other schools and there were 12 schools I think.

As the Powhiri started there was a boat coming closer and then we heard a something it was coming from the boat  and it was the Hokule'a then we sang a song for them we sang E oho then they sang a song for us then but the song was in different language than they did a speech for all of us and and we were all hot then we stood up to sing another song and it was Na waka then we sang the song then they gave another speech then the 12 schools sang another song and it was He honore when the song finished the other schools kept on going and didn't stop singing but they did. Then when the Powhiri was finished gave them high fives it was fun because we ran well we high five them.

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