
Thursday, 27 August 2015

Hooking in

Walt: Write introductions that orientate and hook in my audience
First try
Team 4 is learning about Trade and Enterprise. We have to get into groups like kitchen if you are in kitchen then you have to make something that matches with your group so if you could make cakes or cupcakes. Then when it Friday we have a trade fair a trade fear is just selling a little bit of stuff to find out how much people will come and buy your stuff and if you sell all your things then next time you can make more.

Buy 1 get one free.
With a ?

Team 4 is learning about Trade and Enterprise have you heard about that! On friday we have a trade fair a trade fear is just selling a little bit of stuff to find out how much people will come and buy your stuff and if you sell all your things then next time you can make more. Come on down and buy lots of stuff.
With a !

We have to get into groups like kitchen if you are in kitchen then you have to make something that matches with your group so your could make cakes or cupcakes. Buy as many as you want because it will be. Half price!
With facts

1 pt is worth 1 dollar, 20 pieces is worth 20 cents,they are like real money. Spend them or you could save it up. There is six groups they are called Home ware,Jewelry and accessory,Kitchen,Musical instruments,Custom Stationery and Toys.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Ants and Grasshoper

WALT: Identify the author’s purpose

I learnt that you always have to listen to somebody because you might ask the person if you can come in their house to stay warm and to keep alive.

Friday, 21 August 2015

The Fleamarket

WALT: Identify the author’s purpose
I lernt some new words that I don't even know.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Grass to glass last for steps

The milk comes out of the cow then it goes straight to the fridge where the milk is cooled. Then it goes into the tanker where it stays cold. Then it  gets attach to a hose where it goes into the truck. You would have to measure how much you take out of the tanker so the farmers get paid.

The machine at the factory spins really fast the milk and cream are separated. You can make different kind of types of milk by just adding some cream into the boiled milk. Blue milk is with some of cream,green milk does not have any milk in it.

A machine heats the milk to 72 degrees celsius the it's cold fast so that little bacteria is killed by pasteurising the milk. If the milk gets heated the milk to 72 degrees then it gets cold fast and the bacteria wouldn't like to live in milk.

Finally the milk is bottled, ready for you to drink. That completes the journey from grass to glass.

Walt: Add detail to the beginning of sentences.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

3D Shape

Walt: We are learning about the properties of 3 Dimensional shapes.

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about 3 Dimensional shapes. We made a  Tetrahedron a Pyramid and a Cube out of cardboard.

Unbirthday Invite

Walt: Find the main ideas in the text

Mrs Wilding's Potatoes

Walt: Identify the author's purpose

I lernt that you always have to help somebody even if you don't get anything. Help somebody even if they didn't ask for help

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Monday, 17 August 2015

Dragon fruit

Walt: Use cues from the text to read and understand new words

Check out my number

Walt: understand money as decimal numbers.

Check out my number

Walt: understand money as decimal numbers.

Check out my number

Walt: understand money as decimal numbers.


This term we have our own currency and are running an 
economy within our team. The children have chosen their businesses to market a product to sell here at school.
It's going to be an awesome term!

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Grass to Glass

Walt: Add detail to the end of sentences.

They cows eat 70 kilograms per a day, it's hard to eat that's why they have four stomachs. The grass goes through the 2 stomachs where it gets broken down then squashed into a cud. Then they burp it up and chew for a minute.  

Cows get milked twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening. Now days, milking machines do all the hard work,and the farmers don't have to milk them by hand. They attach the cups to the cow's teats that suck up all their milk.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Living on a farm

Walt: Write paragraphs with a variety of sentence lengths and complexities

Favorite thing that I would like to do on a farm. I would like to do lots of things on the farm. I could play with the animals.

If I lived on a farm I would like to give the cows there medicine on there back. I would like to give the cow medicine, because it's like shooting a cow but I wouldn't shoot a cow. I will put some medicine in its mouth. Putting it in its mouth will be going to be hard work.

My second best thing that I could do on a farm is horse riding. I love riding a horse because you go fast. I could also make the cows go into the pen.

It has been interesting to learn about what it would be like to live on a dairy farm, all the jobs you get to help with and animals you care for. But living there full time? No thank you. I think I’ll stick to the city.