
Monday 14 December 2015

Trip to the museum

We were going to the auckland museum have you been there befor? All Of the year 5s cam and a couple of the year 4s.  We went there for the end of the year trip we got there in a bus. We went there on thursday in the morning.

As we were going on the bus to the museum I Angels and my friends were playing games while we got there. We were playing game that was like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 with our hands. When we got told we weren't aloud to play because we were too nosiey. We got bored so my two friends were singing a mori song because there more and i'm not. I wanted to do something with them because i was bored so my friend said do you want to play sweet and sour and i said how do you play that and she said you have to wave to somebody outside the bus and if you wave to somebody and they wave back then that mean your sweet and if you wave to somebody outside the bus and they don't wave then you are sour.

As soon as we got into the museum we sat down on the ground. My group had to go back outside and had a little something to eat With my teacher which is in my group. We ate and ate like big fat pigs. I ate the whole  time until we went because I had something big to eat and it was to big to eat just in a copy o points. After everybody ate they got to play after they eat. We ate were there were two cannons on the side it was next to the steps. I also saw a man with a big camera taking photos or recording everybody thought that it was a camera that takes videos and puts it on TV and i thought the video goes on TV.

It is time to go inside first we had to put our bags into a cage because we're not allowed food or drink in the museum.  Then we first looked at some of the stuff that was back in the olden days. There was  a clock chairs even some plates and cool suites. The next thing we went to look at is the tree house and inside that tree house it had a scary gorilla. I didn't see the gorilla because we were in a hurry to look around the museum. i wish i could have seen the gorilla because Angel M siad it was scary.

This was our last stop to the minecraft area. I saw some pairs of weird glasses and i put them on and the glasses were on a little computer screen and there were buttons just like a game. When i put the glasses on it felt like i was inside the game and that was so cool. When i moved myself i fell in the ocean and i died. It was like when you're at somewhere but you're really not like the minecraft.

I hope to go to the museum again because it's really fun and we get to see some stuffs that we've never seen befor. For my next end of the year trip i hope to go to some were big like pariki pools because that's where our year 8s went too. Or something like rainbow end because thats were our year 7s went or at least somewhere big.

Thursday 10 December 2015

End of the year Reflections

Reading: For my reading goal next year my goal is to take the journal book home and read to get the answers right. I could also read every where i go like in the car i could read a book. My other goal for reading is to get my reading age which is 10.0 but next year my reading age will be 11.0 . For reading I am trying to get all of my reading activities right. Writing: My goal for writing is make the people read my writing more. I also want to put in excitement. I really want to use interesting words that they can read and some cool words. I want to write in paragraphs too. Maths: My goal for math is to learn faster learn the math problem just like that. I need to work on my fractions so my other goal is to learn fractions. I need to learn more problem solving ways to work out hard equations fast. I also need to learn is my divided bys. Inquiry: Trade and enterprise was in term 3 we had to choses a group it was out of Homeware, Accessories, Toys, Kitchen, musical instruments, Stainnairy. I picked kitchen my group made a chocolate bowls and we put putting inside but the pudding looked like yogurt and the flavors were chocolate and caramel strawberry pudding. On friday we sold it for 4pt if you don't know what a pt is then this is what it is it is fake money it is made out of counters with a whole in the middle. A few of people came and brought some then the price got lower and lower and lower and the lowest price was 2pt. Conclusion: I am looking forward to the holidays and getting free time at home. I am going to miss school because it is boring at home sometimes because of my friends aren't with me they are only with me at school.
Walt: Analyse and reflect on our learning this year

Tuesday 8 December 2015


Team 4 has been learning about adaptation. We have to try and put a desert animal into the antarctic or we can put an antarctic animal in the desert. We have to try make the animal survive in a different environment. We can change the animal so it can survive.

Monday 23 November 2015

Antarctic Seals

Walt: Read and understand facts about Antarctic Seals
learn new words when I do things like this.

Haiku poems

Walt: Write a Haiku Poem - What am I?
I lernt to write poems

Limerick Poems

Walt: Write a Haiku Poem - What am I?
I lernt how to do limerick poems.

Monday 16 November 2015


WALT: write a positive descriptive acrostic poem using your name and similes

I wrote my name in a vertical. On the side of a letter I wrote a describing word that something that describe something about me.

Short Tailed Bat

Maching the meaning word.
Walt: Use clues from the text to accurately answer questions
Read and understand facts about the Lesser Short Tailed Bat

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Eating compition

Write to recount that time. 

We are going to do an experiment. The teachers did not tell us what we were going to do.

Were going to have a eating competition today. My literacy class is heading outside to start. When we all got outside I was scared because I might look like a scary clown or an ugly one. Our teacher set up the plats and put the food on. When it was the first round I was so nervous that she might pick me but she didn't.

This is what you do. So you have to have a partner  so your partner is your hands and I have to put my hands at the back of me. So that my hands is my partners hands. Your partner controls you and feeds you. It is just like a robot controlling you.

On the second round it was my turn with my partner. When is was our turn I was shaking because I think maybe I will look like a clown and I was scared. We had to eat a quarter of a weet-bix with whip cream on top the cream was normal and once we finished eating it we had to eat an apple. When we started she put the weet-bix in my mouth with whip cream. It was yum to me but the others didn't. like it that much. She gave me the apple next to eat . I was rushing to win but I didn't.

On the last round of eating it was my turn to feed my partner. First I gave her the weet-bix with whip cream on then I gave her the apple to eat. When I was feeding it to her I shaved it in her mouth and then that's when she used her hands to eat. She did not like it because when her mouth was full I was still shaving the apple in her mouth to win. I think we won because she ate the most of the apple and because our teacher didn't chose who won that round.

My favorite part was eating it. I like that bit because I liked the weet-bix and the whip cream. The thing that I don't like is the apple.

Tui in a tree

Walt: read and understand new facts about a Tuatara

Monday 9 November 2015


Walt: Write a diamante poem using nouns, verbs, adjectives, synonyms and antonyms     

Thursday 29 October 2015

Friday 23 October 2015

Native animals

I am learning about native animals. The one that I am learning about is a Pukeko.

Walt: Report factual information about a New Zealand Native Animal or Creature
Diet: What it eats
Pukekos eat insects worms berries small birds. They also eat a lot of other thing like frogs,eels. They can even eat seeds too.

Description: What it looks like
Pukekos have blue and black body. It also has a red beak

Habitat: Where they live
Pukekos live on grass land. Grassland is just grass. They don't live anywhere else but on the grass.

Characteristics: How does it behave
They are fast runners. They don't like other people or birds next to there home. Pukekos can fly but they are slow at flying.

  1. Pukekos can fly short distances.
  2. Some Pukekos are pest because when someone feeds a Pukeko vegetables it a pest the like eating eggs.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Friday 16 October 2015

In the Holiday

On a rainy day I and my family went to Parakai Hot pools. We stopped at a bakery to get something to eat.  As we were getting closer it started to rain.

Once I and my family got to the pools it stopped raining. Once we payed to get in I got ready to go in the pools. I jumped in and instead of going down the ladder I jumped. The water was warm and not cold the weather was ok.

WALT: write a recount about my school holiday  using effective paragraphs.

I was swimming under water and I found a rubber band and I threw it somewhere so i could go and look for it again. Once I was looking for the rubber band I found another rubber band and it was a purple rubber band. when I  found the rubber band my aunty mumo tied them together to make a slingshot with it.My cousins Byron and sammes wanted to play a game. We kept on playing and then my aunties came and played with us too.

When we were tired of playing my cousins aunty and uncle and i went on the water slide. Everybody went on the small one except for me and my cousin  Medea” .” We went on the water slide we went back up the stairs and on the little waterslide for a ride again. When I went down then everybody in my family went after me.

When we finished going on the waterslide lots of times we all went to have a quick swim later on we had lunch . I had hot chips and nuggets we also had a slushy while we were having lunch the slushy was yum but some of my cousins didn’t like it.  We the kids didn't eat that much hot chip because there was to much. When I was full eating lunch I had a rest before I go back in the pools.

When it was getting late my family had to pack up and I had to have a shower befor I went home. Once My family finished  packing up we went home. Next time I would want to go to any pools.

Thursday 15 October 2015


WALT: read and understand new facts about the Tuatara
I learnt that they are not lizards and they are not similar

Friday 25 September 2015

Mrs wilding patatoes

WALT: Identify the author’s purpose
I learnt to help people all the time.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Yellow Bellied Sea Snake

I learnt that a yellow bellied is one of the poisonous snakes in the world.

WALT: use relevant parts of text to accurately answer the questions

Answer the following questions:

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Problem solving patten

Walt: identify and solve number patterns.

The blindfold ball game

WILF: Use interesting words and word groups to write simple and complex sentences

Today our literacy class played a game called the blindfold game. Before the game we had to get into a large circle. Then we were able to start the game.

First we had to put 2 blindfolds on to make sure that you could not see. Then the people with the blindfold on has to pick a colour out of green, yellow, pink, red and blue. Once they had picked their colours they had to try and get all of the plastic balls but it has to be the colour you choose.

Machelle’s colour was yellow and Aysha’s colour was red and Revival colour was  pink and Wesley’s colour was green and Andrew’s colour was blue. Then our teacher started a timer and the time was 2 minutes. Once the timer started everybody was getting so crazy that they did not know what they were even saying.

People kept on saying yes no yes no. As the people were looking for there colour plastic ball, they kept on getting other people's ball. Sometimes when they get the wrong ball they chucked it into somebody else's basket. Once other people played the same thing kept on happening .

This game is really fun. You should play it . While you watch you can't stop sayinging yes no yes no. When you are blindfolded it is hard to try and get your own ball.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Word Knowledge

WALT: learning new words
I always learn new words

Word Knowledge

WALT: Learn new words
I always learn new words.

Eating worms

Walt: I am thinking about my purpose and reader by planning my recount.

Room 8 literacy class had an experience about eating worms. Our teacher is so crazy because she let us eat worms. Our teacher gives us crazy things to eat.

We got raw worms from in a packet  we put the worms into a bowl. Then we put some chicken flavour onto the raw worms then we put hot water into the bowl then we all have to wait until it gets soggy. When the worms are soggy we started to mix the worms in the bowl.

Once the worms were ready our teacher got tongs and she put some worms into the tongs and she suddenly put it in our mouths. As soon as the worms dropped into our mouths and it wiggled everywhere. Everybody was looking at other people eating there worms.

I think worms are nice to eat. I also think that they are the most delicious thing to eat in the world. The worms are nice and warm and they are not dirty and ugly.

Monday 14 September 2015

Word Knowledge

Walt: Learn new words
I always learn new words when I do the word knowledge


WALT: Use relevant parts of text to accurately answer the questions
I learnt what busking means it means making music and try to get money .

Friday 11 September 2015


I learned who to make candle holders.

WALT: Identify the author’s purpose

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Cross country poem

Cross country
challenging, hard
Labour,jogging, helpless


Tuesday 1 September 2015

Problem solving

Walt: identify and solve tricky decimal problems. 

Word knowledge

I always learn new words every time I do word knowledge.
WALT: Learn new words everyday

Thursday 27 August 2015

Hooking in

Walt: Write introductions that orientate and hook in my audience
First try
Team 4 is learning about Trade and Enterprise. We have to get into groups like kitchen if you are in kitchen then you have to make something that matches with your group so if you could make cakes or cupcakes. Then when it Friday we have a trade fair a trade fear is just selling a little bit of stuff to find out how much people will come and buy your stuff and if you sell all your things then next time you can make more.

Buy 1 get one free.
With a ?

Team 4 is learning about Trade and Enterprise have you heard about that! On friday we have a trade fair a trade fear is just selling a little bit of stuff to find out how much people will come and buy your stuff and if you sell all your things then next time you can make more. Come on down and buy lots of stuff.
With a !

We have to get into groups like kitchen if you are in kitchen then you have to make something that matches with your group so your could make cakes or cupcakes. Buy as many as you want because it will be. Half price!
With facts

1 pt is worth 1 dollar, 20 pieces is worth 20 cents,they are like real money. Spend them or you could save it up. There is six groups they are called Home ware,Jewelry and accessory,Kitchen,Musical instruments,Custom Stationery and Toys.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Ants and Grasshoper

WALT: Identify the author’s purpose

I learnt that you always have to listen to somebody because you might ask the person if you can come in their house to stay warm and to keep alive.

Friday 21 August 2015

The Fleamarket

WALT: Identify the author’s purpose
I lernt some new words that I don't even know.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Grass to glass last for steps

The milk comes out of the cow then it goes straight to the fridge where the milk is cooled. Then it goes into the tanker where it stays cold. Then it  gets attach to a hose where it goes into the truck. You would have to measure how much you take out of the tanker so the farmers get paid.

The machine at the factory spins really fast the milk and cream are separated. You can make different kind of types of milk by just adding some cream into the boiled milk. Blue milk is with some of cream,green milk does not have any milk in it.

A machine heats the milk to 72 degrees celsius the it's cold fast so that little bacteria is killed by pasteurising the milk. If the milk gets heated the milk to 72 degrees then it gets cold fast and the bacteria wouldn't like to live in milk.

Finally the milk is bottled, ready for you to drink. That completes the journey from grass to glass.

Walt: Add detail to the beginning of sentences.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

3D Shape

Walt: We are learning about the properties of 3 Dimensional shapes.

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about 3 Dimensional shapes. We made a  Tetrahedron a Pyramid and a Cube out of cardboard.

Unbirthday Invite

Walt: Find the main ideas in the text

Mrs Wilding's Potatoes

Walt: Identify the author's purpose

I lernt that you always have to help somebody even if you don't get anything. Help somebody even if they didn't ask for help

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Monday 17 August 2015

Dragon fruit

Walt: Use cues from the text to read and understand new words

Check out my number

Walt: understand money as decimal numbers.

Check out my number

Walt: understand money as decimal numbers.

Check out my number

Walt: understand money as decimal numbers.


This term we have our own currency and are running an 
economy within our team. The children have chosen their businesses to market a product to sell here at school.
It's going to be an awesome term!

Thursday 13 August 2015

Grass to Glass

Walt: Add detail to the end of sentences.

They cows eat 70 kilograms per a day, it's hard to eat that's why they have four stomachs. The grass goes through the 2 stomachs where it gets broken down then squashed into a cud. Then they burp it up and chew for a minute.  

Cows get milked twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening. Now days, milking machines do all the hard work,and the farmers don't have to milk them by hand. They attach the cups to the cow's teats that suck up all their milk.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Living on a farm

Walt: Write paragraphs with a variety of sentence lengths and complexities

Favorite thing that I would like to do on a farm. I would like to do lots of things on the farm. I could play with the animals.

If I lived on a farm I would like to give the cows there medicine on there back. I would like to give the cow medicine, because it's like shooting a cow but I wouldn't shoot a cow. I will put some medicine in its mouth. Putting it in its mouth will be going to be hard work.

My second best thing that I could do on a farm is horse riding. I love riding a horse because you go fast. I could also make the cows go into the pen.

It has been interesting to learn about what it would be like to live on a dairy farm, all the jobs you get to help with and animals you care for. But living there full time? No thank you. I think I’ll stick to the city.

Monday 27 July 2015

In the holiday

Walt: Write a recount about Immersion Assembly or a Holiday Highlight

In the holidays I went to Jump and Jump is a place with lots of trampolines and all other stuff too and there is a cafe. I went with my cousin sister uncle and unty. We got to Jump in a car and we got there at 10 something.  We waited until it was 11 o’clock because there are sections and the sections are 1 hour. We went there just for the school holidays. When it hit 11 o’clock we went inside jump.

As we got inside Jump we went to pay then the people at the counter gave us a yellow band and some socks with things at the bottom and it was a little bit sticky and when I put on and when I started to walk with the socks on it felt weird but I got used to it. Then a man came to talk about the rules and what was there to do like the main area the main area is with lots of trampolines and  the dodgeball area is like normal dodgeball except you're playing on a trampoline and the  foam pit area the foam pit area is like there is a lot of square sponges in a deep hole and there is two trampolines to jump on  you jump on it then you jump into the foam   and there is a big one but it's not that big and it looks like a big blue box and in front there is a little trampoline so you can jump on it then jump into the foam . Then he said put your hand up and show me the yellow band. Then we got to go and play YAY! finally. Everybody started to run everywhere but I didn’t run I stayed at the back then when everybody vanished and when they were gone I went to go and play on the main area.

Once I got on the main area I and my cousin and my little sister got on the main area we started to jump. Once we started to jumped we went real high but on a normal trampoline you start off lowe on the trampoline          then you go higher then higher but when you go to Jump and when you jump you start off high. You can get tired fast and when I and my cousin and my sister got bored we went on the foam pit area first I went on the high one first and it was fun. I tried the small one next and that one was also fun then we went back to the main area . Then I jumped high then  I got tired I went to have a drink from the cafe.

After I had a drink I went back on the trampoline and jump jump jump!. Then I and my casin saw this girl doing tricks and it was awesome and we think she is in gymnastics. Then I had a competition with my cousin and sister we had to jump on a trampoline once then jump onto another trampoline but I kept on jumping on the trampoline 2 times. My little sister didn’t do what I did because it would be to hard so she did lots of steps. There is trampoline on the walls. I can run and then jump onto the trampoline on the wall.

We only have 5 minutes left when it was 5 minutes left I saw a girl jump on a trampoline then she jumped on a plat form and once she did that I tried to copy her but it was to hard and the platform was high but not that high and I kept on trying and like in 2 minutes later I could almost do it. Because I always jump on the trampoline then when I tried to jump on the platform I always land on my knees. Then later I could do it finally. Then I showed my cousin and my cousin can't even do it only I can. Then it was time to go but I didn't want to go I wanted to stay and play.

Once we were leaving first we got a pineapple slushy with some mango in it and it was  yum!. Then I took off my jump socks then I put on my normal socks on because it was to hard to put on my shoes with the jump socks on. Then we left Jump bye!. Next time I want to go to Waiwera Hot Pools.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

PT poster

The 20 pieces is the same as 20 cents. The 50 pieces is the same as 50 cents. 1 pt is the same as 1 dollar. The 2 pt is the same as 2 dollars.

Problem Solving

Walt: solve tricky number problems in the thousands

Friday 19 June 2015


Walt: Write simple and complex sentences
Do you play sports at school we do? This term we get to play basketball  my coaches name is coach Malik and coach yaran. We go basketball with my math teacher inside the hall and we go after lunch and we started playing basketball 7 weeks ago and my math class goes on a Thursday.  As soon as we arrived we have to go into our our groups and we also have leaders because we always play different teams in basketball and my leader is Judah.

When we first started basketball we learnt some skills about basketball. What we learnt is doing pocket pass  overhead pass and a V dribble and we also learnt BEEF and b stands  for balance  e stands for  eye on target and the other e stands  for elbow and last of all f stands is for focus and then shoot. Something else we did with coach Malik and coach Yaran was bouncing the ball with your right hand across and back then we had to do it again but this time we had to do it with our left hand. Then we had to do the same thing but this time we did a V dribble across and back. Then we played a game called traffic lights.

We are playing traffic lights. If you don't know how to play then this is how you play the game . So first you have to pick one person to turn around and look back . Then the peas to turn the other way so he or she can't see any of them and when she is facing the other way the other people  has to run and when the person turns back at the people you have to freeze but if the person sees you move you have to start all over again. Then you keep on repeating until a person gets past the boy or girl or you can just touch the person and then if you touch the person you have to turn around and back.

At the 3rd to last week we got put into groups and we also have leaders and I wasn't in a team because I wasn't here so I just sat down then coach Malik told me to go in Judah’s team. Then my team had to play basketball and we had to play a different team. The first game I was out but as I was out I was cheering for my team so we could win and on the 2end game I was on. When I was playing basketball it was very fun and when I got the ball I ran towards the basketball hope then I passed the ball to someone else and then they tried to shoot the ball into the hoop but he missed or I think he got it in the hope. When our team was off we had to sit on the stage and the team we played had to sit and watch while we were huffing and puffing.

As we were playing I felt like I was a real basketball player playing for New Zealand. I also enjoyed playing Basketball and it was very fun.